America’s “forever wars” have returned in force thanks to weak leadership in the White House, and Georgia voters are fed up
Americans are ready for an America First foreign policy—and it’s going to leave the Democrats behind.
A plurality (38 percent) of likely Georgia voters, split evenly between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, says it’s a “bad idea” to continue funding Ukraine’s failing war with Russia, according to a new poll by Steve Cortes’ populist League of American Workers. The next-highest bracket (32 percent) say that they support funding to Ukraine, but only if the money is offset with severe budget cuts—something the Biden administration refuses to do.
In practice, 70 percent of Georgia voters disagree with Democrats’ unlimited, Ukraine First foreign policy compared with just 20 percent of voters who support paying for the war with borrowed money.
Though Americans remain conflicted about assisting Ukraine, a country that was never a U.S. ally or NATO member and until the 1990s had never been an independent country, public opinion has steadily shifted against the war since it broke out in Feb. 2022. Much of that retreat is driven by Congress’ obscene spending on a war with no clear objectives or U.S. national interests—$175 billion to date. That’s $34 billion more spent on the 14-year Vietnam War across three presidencies.
In contrast, Congress has proposed a Department of Homeland Security appropriations budget totaling $91.5 billion for FY 2024 to protect our own borders, less than half that awarded to Ukraine. That includes just $2 billion to finish President Trump’s border wall, $496 million to pay Border Patrol agents, and $4.2 billion to detain and remove illegal aliens.
Why do our leaders put other countries’ security before our own? Why do they spend our grandchildren’s money protecting corrupt oligarchs who cancel elections under martial law—but can’t be bothered to protect America’s borders?
(WHITE PRIVILEGE IN ACTION: Leftist Students Start Autonomous Zone At University of Michigan, Spread “Death to America” Pamphlets)
Aiding the Intifada
Results are even worse for Biden on Gaza more than half-a-year after the Oct. 7, 2023 terror attack by Hamas Islamists against unarmed Israelis.
Fully 59 percent of Georgia voters say Biden’s actions and statements regarding the Israel-Gaza war have made them “somewhat” or “much less likely” to support his reelection this November, according to the Cortes poll, with the “much less likely” bloc the largest plurality by far at 45 percent.
Less than a quarter say they’re more likely to support Biden after his handling of Gaza and Israel.
Restoration News has detailed the big money fueling the latest pro-Hamas Astroturf riots on campuses nationwide as well as the mega-donors demanding Israel cease defending itself. Then there are the woke Georgia corporations like Coca-Cola, UPS, and Home Depot that fell over themselves rushing to defend the fentanyl addict George Floyd—but couldn’t be bothered to denounce a terrorist attack in October.
With Joe Biden vowing to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu by meddling in his country’s politics and sending aid to Gaza, it’s clear America’s only ally in the Middle East can’t count on Democrats to honor our countries’ alliance. Instead, radical Democrats coddle the anti-Semites in their party—like Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar—who blame Israeli victims for Hamas’ murder spree and want to import Palestinian refugees.
For Democrats, it’s always America Last.
(EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: “Death to America” Infecting America’s University And College Campuses)