Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of Mexico, tells Joe Biden what to do, demanding billions of dollars in exchange for helping to secure the border. Everyone knows Biden is weak, so other countries take advantage of America.
It seems that Mexican President Obrador got upset about recent reporting that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) investigated him regarding his campaign’s involvement with drug cartels. Reports indicate that drug traffickers gave $2 million to Obrador’s campaign in exchange for facilitation of their criminal operations. This news surfaced recently and Obrador isn’t happy, demanding that Biden apologize and further straining U.S.-Mexico relations.
While Obrador may not be responsible for the influx of illegal aliens from countries like El Salvador and Haiti, he certainly takes the blame for the organized crime takeover of Mexico. His brilliant strategy to combat cartels is “hugs, not bullets” and amnesty for drug dealers. While Obrador has never defined what he means by these statements, it’s obvious that he has no intention of being tough on crime.
Read more: BIDENVASION: 500 Illegal Alien Criminals in March Alone, Including 16 Murderers
Global Guardian conducted a risk assessment of criminal activity and civil unrest for 2024. Mexico fell into the high-risk category, meaning they experience regular criminal activity or civil unrest. The assessment revealed that Mexico is incapable of managing crises—falling into the same category as Venezuela and Haiti. Criminal gangs control an estimated quarter of the entire nation of Mexico.
President Trump gets Results, Biden gets Bullied
President Trump said he wouldn’t give Mexico a dime, but he would certainly finish building the wall to stop the flow of the illegal invasion of the southern border. Obrador didn’t make these demands when Trump was in office, and he won’t under a Trump second term.
When Trump was President, Obrador sent 25,000 Mexican troops to the border to help stem the flow of illegal aliens. Trump also negotiated the Remain in Mexico policy that required immigrants to stay in their home country until an immigration hearing could determine their status.
Biden sits quietly in his basement allowing Obrador to bully him, as illegal aleins victimize and murder Americans. Not only does the Mexican President demand money from Biden, but he also wants Biden to provide amnesty to millions of Mexicans illegally present in America. Obrador is blackmailing Biden, because he says that if his demands aren’t met, the invasion at the border will continue.
The U.S. State Department has a travel advisory for Americans seeking to go to Mexico. They warn that “violent crime, such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery, is widespread and common in Mexico.” That violence has spilled over into the United States with record numbers of violent crimes by illegal aliens in America.
Mexico—and Obrador—Haven’t Told the Whole Truth about Fentanyl
In 2023, Obrador made an outlandish (and false) claim that his country doesn’t produce or consume fentanyl. Restoration News recently reported that fentanyl is now the leading cause of death of Americans ages 18–45, and it’s just as deadly in Mexico. Despite Obrador’s claims, research by non-governmental organizations found that one-third of corpses tested in northern Mexico had fentanyl present in their bodies.
The Mexican government doesn’t want to admit its country stands as the primary source of the fentanyl crisis. In reality, Mexican cartels have the bulk of the responsibilty for massive amounts of fentanyl and other lethal drugs distributed throughout America. Chemicals from China—subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party—get shipped to Mexico to produce these poisons killing Americans in large numbers.
Related: Border Patrol Has Seized Enough Fentanyl to Kill 6 Billion People
President Biden won’t stand up to the bullies harming the nation. He keeps encouraging people (including criminals) to flock to the U.S. with his open borders policies and handouts, dragging millions of people through Mexico to the border. There is a very simple solution—build the wall!
Democrats want to Attack President Trump—Not Secure the Border
Arizona Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego demonized President Trump for wanting to secure the border, saying that dangers at the border “exist only in President Trump’s fevered imagination.” Gallego remains out of touch with his constituents because 72 percent of Arizona voters call Biden’s border policies weak. The border crisis is real, and the dangers are evident by the 16 illegal alien murderers that were arrested in March alone.
Another Democrat, Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin, demonized Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy and wouldn’t support funding for the border wall. More people die of fentanyl overdoses than car crashes in Wisconsin thanks to the open border policies of the Democrats.
Democrats called Trump’s border wall racist and useless because they had no evidence to refute his policies, so they turned to personal attacks. Trump derangement syndrome is alive and well since Democrats still refuse to acknowledge that Trump was right about the border all along. The data speaks for itself, and voters are fed up with the invasion of the nation.