Radical actions and policies on energy and climate put the Harris-Walz ticket firmly into the hysterical fringe. Well, here we are, with a presumptive Democratic presidential ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. They present themselves as climate...
The Week’s Worst Climate Stories (Let’s Get Smart About Climate)
Agent 86’s misadventures in Get Smart seem like a good analogy for this week’s worst climate stories. Boy, do we have a lot of them. The environmental KAOS agents must have discussed new, top-secret aspects of The Official Climate Narrative using...
The Green New Deal Is Based on Lies About Budgets, Green Energy, and Climate Science
The Green New Deal is here. Contrary to the breathless pronouncements by globalists, elitists, and climate hysterics, we don’t have a “climate crisis.” What plagues us, rather, is a crisis of lying about climate, science, and big government...
The Worst Climate Stories of the Week (Time Keeps On Slippin’, Slippin’, Slippin’ . . . )
Another week, another Biden cabinet member doing something infuriating in the name of the climate. Plus, intersectionality bingo and indecisive time bandits. At this point, cabinet members doing infuriating things in the name of the climate are a...
The Worst Climate Stories of the Week (Bad Research, Unintended Consequences, and a Lying Energy Secretary—Oh My!)
Here at Restoration News, we live in sort of a paradox. Each week, documenting the climate crazy train gets simultaneously easier, and more frightening. Hard to know how to feel about that. So, we have a cabinet member lying about investments in...
The Week’s Worst Climate Stories (Drilling Oil with Green Energy?)
Green energy: Is there anything it can’t do? (Don’t answer that.) The climate cultists are barreling full speed ahead towards utopia (Ed. note: "Nowhere"). And not a moment too soon, because global warming has started to speed up time. Just like...
New Movie Blasts Climate Alarmism, Theory of Man-Made Global Warming
More tools to fight the climate alarmism propaganda. A new documentary annihilates the man-made global warming fraud and climate alarmism. Climate: The Movie, or The Cold Truth, went live on March 21. It's been described as a “joyful exposé of the...
Week’s Worst Climate Stories (Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend and… Green Tax Credits?)
How much tax money can they waste on stuff we don't need or want? Let's find out! This week, as we continue to deal with the fallout from Michael Mann’s "Legal Trick" and victory in his defamation lawsuit, we’ve seen an explosion in crazy climate...
Analysis: Mike’s Legal Trick—Michael Mann Wins Defamation Suit Against Climate Critics
The "science believers" strike again, and truth suffers for it. On Feb. 8, a jury in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia awarded climate scientist Michael Mann damages in his lawsuit against two writers who criticized his scientific...
The Week’s Most Absurd Climate Stories (Clear-Cutting to Save the Environment!)
How silly can they get? This week, we’ve seen quite a few nutty climate stories, all of which continue to demonstrate how far the radical left will go to convince voters that climate change represents an existential threat. Even if that existential...