Election integrity advocates are working in 15 states to preserve American citizens’ right to vote—and that’s just the start of this new crusade that’s showing the path to victory. Originally posted at the American Conservative (May 2, 2024) Voter...
Dark Money
BREAKING: Dark Money Floods Arizona to Get Unlimited Abortion “Rights” on the 2024 Ballot
Mega-donors and “dark money” groups are going all in to murder the unborn in Arizona from now ‘til Doomsday It’s David vs. Goliath in Arizona’s fight to abort the next generation, and Goliath’s not even on the ballot yet. Restoration News has...
BREAKING: Milwaukee Takes Arabella “Dark Money” to Count Your Ballots in Zuck Bucks Scandal Repeat
The Left is trying once more to privatize the 2024 election in Milwaukee, and they’re using the world’s biggest political machine to do it. It’s up to voters to save their state from D.C. mega-donors. Wisconsinites couldn’t have a starker choice on...
Big Philanthropy Demands Pro-Hamas Ceasefire
Multi-billion-dollar foundations are pushing Israelis to let Hamas get away with its killing spree To most Americans, it’s common sense that nations have a right to defend themselves against invaders. In Israel’s case, that means wiping out the...
The Soros of Silicon Valley: Reid Hoffman’s Millions for Democrat Activism (Pt. 2)
There’s no shortage of leftist mega-donors for funding America’s “progressive” revolution. Meet the newest billionaire backing it: Reid Hoffman, whose campaign to destroy Donald Trump is matched only by the scale of his #MeToo hypocrisy. Part 1...
The Soros of Silicon Valley: Reid Hoffman’s Millions for Democrat Activism (Pt. 1)
There’s no shortage of leftist mega-donors for funding America’s “progressive” revolution. Meet the newest billionaire backing it: Reid Hoffman, whose campaign to destroy Donald Trump is matched only by the scale of his #MeToo hypocrisy. Part 1...
Sam Bankman-Fried Typified Democrat “Dark Money”
For two decades, Democrats have pushed a convincing narrative that Republicans love corporate money, especially that dirty “dark money” which trades hands among corporate fatcats hiding behind closed doors. The truth, however, is that big money...
Who Are Biden’s 2024 Mega-Donors?
The Biden campaign crows about its small-dollar donors. But new disclosures reveal how his reelection campaign is bankrolled by elites and activists through a sophisticated network of Democratic Party committees. The Biden reelection campaign...
Hayden Ludwig on Grand Canyon Times Podcast: How the Left Plans to Federalize Elections
Restoration News research director Hayden Ludwig was interviewed on the Grand Canyon Times Podcast with Leyla Gulen on Nov. 1, 2023. From the interview (available to listen here): Zuck Bucks: Ludwig discusses Mark Zuckerberg's donation of $400...
“High Election Worker Turnover” is the Left’s Newest Ploy to Federalize Elections
Democrats rely on activist groups like Issue One to make the case for conquering local election offices - here’s the real story. Originally published in American Greatness (Sept. 28, 2023) There's a crisis in American democracy, all right, and the...