COVID lockdowns proved a turning point for teachers who balk at union policies Part of a developing series about union abuse of dues for partisan gain When Trent Bryden’s local union became complicit in efforts to keep students out of school during...
Supreme Court
BREAKING: Will Green Bay Hire This Far Left Group to Consult on Election Integrity?
In an eerie repeat of 2020, the conservative city’s new leftist majority may soon hire a partisan group to “advise” on how to run its elections—and litigate against Trump A Restoration News exclusive—this is a developing story Professional leftists...
Kamala Harris Would Be the Queen of Abortion On-Demand
The most left-wing presidential nominee in American history wants a ruthless war on the unborn With Kamala Harris likely to succeed Joe Biden at the top of the Democrat ticket, Americans will soon be faced with the most pro-death nominee in...
No One Knows What Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Believes on Abortion—Himself Included
The third party presidential hopeful has flip-flopped on abortion time and again, but history shows he leans further left than most Americans Last August, Kennedy pledged to sign a 15- or 21-week federal abortion ban at the Iowa State Fair. Then...
Gun Rights Would Be Ironclad if All 10 Million Gun Owners Voted Trump in November
Over 10 million American gun owners have abstained from registering to vote in the upcoming presidential election—a move that could significantly benefit President Joe Biden if left unaddressed. Originally published at American Greatness (July 11,...
The Supreme Court Just Dealt a Massive Blow to Unelected Bureaucrats—Here’s What That Means
The historic Loper decision is a major win to restrict government agency overreach that will last for generations Forty years after the Supreme Court established the “Chevron deference doctrine,” the high court overturned the precedent set in the...
Satanists Want to Kill America’s Christian Revival Before It Gets Off the Ground
The secular Left's assault on religious freedom and the religion that birthed it is wrapped in sinister packaging Imagine being a parent whose seventh-grader announces she wants to seek counseling from a Satanic Temple chaplain at school, assuring...
One Year Out, Thank Ward Connerly for Ending Racist Affirmative Action Laws
Marking the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s critical ruling ending race-based affirmative action When President John F. Kennedy first invoked the phrase “affirmative action” as part of a March 1961 executive order, his stated intention was for...
The Supreme Court’s Latest 2A Ruling Shows Why Electing Trump is Crucial for Gun Rights
With the Left gunning to pack the courts with “progressive” justices, Trump-appointed justices are defending the Constitution from a government that wants to disarm you at any cost The Supreme Court has once again championed law-abiding gun owners...
Defiant Hawaii Ruling Proves Anti-Gun Democrats Have No Problem Nullifying Supreme Court Decisions
Insurrectionist judges declare independence from the nation’s highest court… to strip away your gun rights. And it won’t end in Aloha-land. In a unanimous decision on Feb. 7, the Hawaii Supreme Court decided disregard three pivotal U.S. Supreme...